STEAM ENGINE . The steam engine was invented in the 18th century by British inventor James Watt. Watt's development of the steam engine revolutionized the way that work was done in factories, mills, and mines, and helped to drive the Industrial Revolution forward. Watt's steam engine was an improvement on earlier designs that were used primarily to pump water out of mines. Watt's engine used a separate condenser to cool the steam, which made it much more efficient than previous designs. He also developed a system of valves that allowed the engine to work automatically, without requiring constant monitoring. The steam engine was instrumental in transforming the world's economies and societies, enabling the production of goods on a massive scale and powering the development of new industries. It played a key role in the growth of the railway industry, as well as in the production of textiles, iron, and steel. Today, while the steam engine has been largely replaced by ot...